Data Availability and Sharding
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Data Availability and Sharding
Data Availability Problem
How do we ensure a piece of data is retrievable without storing it on every single node forever?
Incorrectness can be proven (fraud proofs), but unavailability can't.
Data Availability Problem: Parachains
Imagine a parachain collator produces a block, but only sends it to relay chain validators to verify.
What could such a collator do?
- Prevent nodes and users from learning the parachain state
- Prevent other collators from being able to create blocks
We want other collators to be able to reconstruct the block from the relay chain.
Data Availability Problem: Relay Chain
If that block's PoV is only stored by a few validators, what if they go offline or rogue?
- Honest approval-checkers are not able to verify validity
This is really bad. It means we could finalize an invalid parachain block.

I really like this comic from the paradigm article about Data Availability Sampling. But it works for our case as well with data sharding.
Erasure coding
The goal:
- Encode data of K chunks into a larger encoded data of N chunks
- Any K-subset of N chunks can be used to recover the data

In code
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { type Data = Vec<u8>; pub struct Chunk { pub index: usize, pub bytes: Vec<u8>, } pub fn encode(_input: &Data) -> Vec<Chunk> { todo!() } pub fn reconstruct(_chunks: impl Iterator<Item = Chunk>) -> Result<Data, Error> { todo!() } }
Polynomials: Line
Even More Polynomials

Polynomial we need

We want to have a polynomial, such that:
$$ p(x_i) = y_i$$
Question: what is x_i and y_i wrt to our data?
Lagrange interpolating polynomial
$$ \ell_j(x) = \frac{(x-x_0)}{(x_j-x_0)} \cdots \frac{(x-x_{j-1})}{(x_j-x_{j - 1})} \frac{(x-x_{j+1})}{(x_j-x_{j+1})} \cdots \frac{(x-x_k)}{(x_j-x_k)} $$
$$ L(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{k} y_j \ell_j(x) $$
Reed-Solomon codes
Congrats! You've just learned Reed-Solomon encoding (almost).
Actual Reed-Solomon codes are defined over finite-fields.
It can detect and correct combinations of errors and erasures.
The simplest example of a finite field is arithmetic mod prime number. Computers are quite bad at division by prime numbers. Reed-Solomon codes are used in CDs, DVDs, QR codes and RAID 6.
Reed-Solomon with Lagrange interpolation
- Divide the data into elements of size $P$ bits.
- Interpret the bytes as (big) numbers $\mod P$.
- Index of each element is $x_i$ and the element itself is $y_i$.
- Construct the interpolating polynomial $p(x)$ and evaluate it at additional $n - k$ points.
- The encoding is $(y_0, ..., y_{k-1}, p(k), ... p(n - 1))$ along with indices.
How do we do reconstruction?
Polkadot's Data Availability Protocol
- Each PoV is divided into $N_{validator}$ chunks
- Validator with index i gets a chunk with the same index
- Validators sign statements when they receive their chunk
- Once we have $\frac{2}{3} + 1$ of signed statements,
PoV is considered available - Any subset of $\frac{1}{3} + 1$ of chunks can recover the data
The total amount of data stored by all validators is PoV * 3. With 5MB PoV and 1k validators, each validator only stores 15KB per PoV. With this protocol, we've killed two birds with one stone!

Availability Bitfields

Each validator actually signs a statement per relay chain block, not per PoV to reduce the number of signatures. These statements are gossiped off-chain and included in a block in a ParachainsInherent.
Challenge 1
How does a validator know if a chunk corresponds to the committed data?

Not that Merkle!

Challenge 2
How do we know if what can be reconstructed from chunks is the same data that was encoded with Reed-Solomon?
- Polkadot uses approval-voting/disputes mechanism for that
- Celestia uses Fraud Proofs
- Danksharding uses KZG commitments
Data Availability Sampling
Ethereum (Danksharding) and Celestia adopt an approach of Data Availability Sampling, where each light client makes its own judgement of availability by sampling and distributing a few random chunks.
This can eliminate honest majority assumption!
This approach guarantees there's at least one honest full nodes that has the data with high probability.
Safety of Polkadot's protocol
If we have at most $f$ out of $3f + 1$ malicious + offline validators, then if the data is marked as available, it can be recovered.
What if that assumption is broken?
If $2f + 1$ are malicious, every PoS is doomed anyway.
We'll see in the next lesson, how approval-voting can prevent unavailable blocks from being finalized even with $>f$ malicious nodes.
2D Reed-Solomon Encoding

The approach of 2D Reed-Solomon Encoding can reduce the size of a Fraud Proof used by Celestia. But it adds an overhead computationally and on the amount of data stored.
Comparison with other approaches
- Both Danksharding and Celestia use 2D encoding and DAS
- Celestia doesn't implement data sharding
- Data availability is only part of ensuring validity
- Polkadot's DA is able to process dozens of MB per second
Danksharding is aiming at 1.3 MB/s and Celestia < 1 MB/s.
Ideas to Explore
- Data Availability Sampling for parachain
light clients and full nodes - Consider using KZG commitments
- Reducing the number of signatures to verify
- A Data Availability Parachain
- Polkadot uses a field of size $2^{16}$ with efficient arithmetic
- Polkadot uses an FFT-based Reed-Solomon algorithm (no Lagrange)