XCM in Polkadot

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--- title: XCM in Polkadot # Also update the h1 header on the first slide to the same name description: XCM in the Polkadot Context for web3 builders duration: 1 hour ---

XCM in Polkadot

At the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

  • Understand the configuration of the Rococo chain
  • Send real-world messages between parachain A <-> Rococo
  • Identify potential errors on XCM messages

πŸ€” Considerations

  • There should be no trust assumption between chains unless explicitly requested.
  • We cannot assume chains will not act maliciously
  • Spamming XCM messages creates a DoS problem

πŸ› οΈ Rococo Configuration

  • Barriers
  • Teleport filtering
  • Trusted reserves
  • Asset transactors
  • Fee payment
  • Proper XCM Instruction Weighting
  • Location to Account/FRAME Origin conversions


From now on, we will use the Rococo runtime as a reference. Rococo is a testnet for Polkadot and Kusama that we will use in to test our XCM messages. Most of the Rococo configuration is identical to that in Polkadot.

🚧 XCM Barrier in Rococo

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// The barriers one of which must be passed for an XCM message to be executed. pub type Barrier = ( // Weight that is paid for may be consumed. TakeWeightCredit, // If the message is one that immediately attempts to pay for execution, then allow it. AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom<Everything>, // Messages coming from system parachains need not pay for execution. AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom<IsChildSystemParachain<ParaId>>, // Expected responses are OK. AllowKnownQueryResponses<XcmPallet>, // Subscriptions for version tracking are OK. AllowSubscriptionsFrom<Everything>, ); }


🚧 XCM Barrier in Rococo

  • TakeWeightCredit and AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom are used to prevent spamming for local/remote XCM execution.
  • AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom lets a system parachain have free execution in the relay.
  • AllowKnownQueryResponses and AllowSubscriptionsFrom, as we know already, are mostly used for versioning.


  • Child system parachains are parachains that contain core polkadot features, and they will get a paraId of less than 1000. They are allocated by Polkadot governance and get free execution.
  • AllowKnownQueryResponses will check pallet-xcm storage to know whether the response is expected. -AllowSubscriptionsFrom determines that any origin is able to subscribe for version changes.

🀝 Trusted teleporters in Rococo

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { parameter_types! { pub const RocLocation: MultiLocation = Here.into(); pub const Rococo: MultiAssetFilter = Wild(AllOf { fun: WildFungible, id: Concrete(RocLocation::get()) }); pub const AssetHub: MultiLocation = Parachain(1000).into(); pub const Contracts: MultiLocation = Parachain(1002).into(); pub const Encointer: MultiLocation = Parachain(1003).into(); pub const RococoForAssetHub: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), AssetHub::get()); pub const RococoForContracts: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), Contracts::get()); pub const RococoForEncointer: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Rococo::get(), Encointer::get()); } pub type TrustedTeleporters = ( xcm_builder::Case<RococoForAssetHub>, xcm_builder::Case<RococoForContracts>, xcm_builder::Case<RococoForEncointer>, ); }


🀝 Trusted teleporters in Rococo

  • Teleporting involves trust between chains.
  • 1000 (Asset Hub) and 1001 (Contracts) and 1002 (Encointer) are allowed to teleport tokens represented by the Here
  • Here represents the relay token
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { /* snip */ type IsTeleporter = TrustedTeleporters; /* snip */ } }


  • Asset Hub, Rococo and Encointer are able to teleport the relay chain token
  • Any other chain sending a ReceiveTeleportedAsset or any other token being teleported will be rejected with UntrustedTeleportLocation.

πŸ’±Trusted reserves in Rococo

  • Rococo does not recognize any chain as reserve
  • Rococo prevents reception of any ReserveAssetDeposited message
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { /* snip */ type IsReserve = (); /* snip */ } }


  • Trusting other parachains (e.g., common good parachains) to be reserves of the relay native token would cause rare situations with the total issuance. For instance, users could drain reserves of the sovereign account with teleported funds.

πŸ“ LocationToAccountId in Rococo

  • Conversion between a multilocation to an AccountId is a key component to withdraw/deposit assets and issue Transact operations.
  • Parachain origins will be converted to their corresponding sovereign account.
  • Local 32 byte origins will be converted to a 32 byte defined AccountId.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub type LocationConverter = ( // We can convert a child parachain using the standard `AccountId` conversion. ChildParachainConvertsVia<ParaId, AccountId>, // We can directly alias an `AccountId32` into a local account. AccountId32Aliases<RococoNetwork, AccountId>, ); }


  • Any other origin that is not a parachain origin or a local 32 byte account origin will not be convertible to an accountId.
  • Question class what happens if a message coming from a parachain starts with DescendOrigin? XcmV2 will reject it at the barrier level (Since AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom expects the first instruction to be one of ReceiveTeleportedAsset , WithdrawAsset , ReserveAssetDeposited or ClaimAsset - XcmV3 will pass the barrier as AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom is inside WithComputedOrigin.

πŸͺ™ Asset Transactors in Rococo

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub type LocalAssetTransactor = XcmCurrencyAdapter< // Use this currency: Balances, // Use this currency when it is a fungible asset // matching the given location or name: IsConcrete<RocLocation>, // We can convert the MultiLocations // with our converter above: LocationConverter, // Our chain's account ID type // (we can't get away without mentioning it explicitly): AccountId, // It's a native asset so we keep track of the teleports // to maintain total issuance. CheckAccount, >; impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { /* snip */ type AssetTransactor = LocalAssetTransactor; /* snip */ } }


πŸͺ™ asset-transactors in Rococo

  • Single asset-transactor in Rococo
  • Asset-transactor is matching the Here multilocation id to the Currency defined in Balances, which refers to pallet-balances
  • Essentially, this is configuring XCM such that the native token (DOT) is associated with the multilocation Here.


  • Rococo is tracking teleports in the CheckAccount, which is defined in palletXcm. This aims at maintaining the total issuance even if assets have been teleported to another chain.

πŸ“origin-converter in Rococo

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { type LocalOriginConverter = ( // Converts to a signed origin with "LocationConverter" SovereignSignedViaLocation<LocationConverter, RuntimeOrigin>, // Converts a child parachain multilocation to a parachain origin ChildParachainAsNative<parachains_origin::Origin, RuntimeOrigin>, // Converts a local 32 byte multilocation to a signed // origin SignedAccountId32AsNative<WestendNetwork, RuntimeOrigin>, // Converts system parachain origins into root origin ChildSystemParachainAsSuperuser<ParaId, RuntimeOrigin>, ); }
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { /* snip */ type OriginConverter = LocalOriginConverter; /* snip */ } }


πŸ“origin-converter in Rococo

  • Defines ways in which we can convert a multilocation to a dispatch origin, typically used by the Transact instruction:
  • Child parachain origins are converted to signed origins through LocationConverter (OriginKind == Sovereign).
  • Child parachains can also be converted to native parachain origins (OriginKind == Native).
  • Local 32 byte origins are converted to signed 32 byte origins (OriginKind == Native).


  • There exists the concept of a "parachain dispatch origin" which is used for very specific functions (like, e.g., opening a channel with another chain). This gets checked with the ensure_parachain! macro.
  • System parachains are able to dispatch as root origins, as they can bee seen as an extension to the rococo runtime itself.

πŸ‹οΈ Weigher in Rococo

  • Uses WeightInfoBounds with benchmarked values with pallet-xcm-benchmarks
  • Full list of weights can be seen here
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { /* snip */ type Weigher = WeightInfoBounds< crate::weights::xcm::RococoXcmWeight<RuntimeCall>, RuntimeCall, MaxInstructions, >; /* snip */ } }

πŸ”§ WeightTrader in Rococo

  • Weight is converted to fee with the WeightToFee type.
  • The asset in which we charge for fee is RocLocation. This means we can only pay for xcm execution in the native currency
  • Fees will go to the block author thanks to ToAuthor
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig { /* snip */ type Trader = UsingComponents< WeightToFee, RocLocation, AccountId, Balances, ToAuthor<Runtime>>; /* snip */ } }


  • Trying to buyExecution with any other token that does not match the specified AssetId (in this case, RocLocation, which represents the native token) will fail.

  • WeightToFee contains an associated function that will be used to convert the required amount of weight into an amount of tokens used for execution payment.

🎨 XcmPallet in Rococo

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl pallet_xcm::Config for Runtime { /* snip */ type XcmRouter = XcmRouter; type SendXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin<RuntimeOrigin, LocalOriginToLocation>; // Anyone can execute XCM messages locally. type ExecuteXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin<RuntimeOrigin, LocalOriginToLocation>; type XcmExecuteFilter = Everything; type XcmExecutor = xcm_executor::XcmExecutor<XcmConfig>; // Anyone is able to use teleportation // regardless of who they are and what they want to teleport. type XcmTeleportFilter = Everything; // Anyone is able to use reserve transfers // regardless of who they are and what they want to transfer. type XcmReserveTransferFilter = Everything; /* snip */ } }


🎨 XcmPallet in Rococo

  • No filter on messages for Execution, Teleporting or Reserve transferring.
  • Only origins defined by LocalOriginToLocation are allowed to send/execute arbitrary messages.
  • LocalOriginToLocation defined to allow council and regular account 32 byte signed origin calls
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub type LocalOriginToLocation = ( // We allow an origin from the Collective pallet to be used in XCM // as a corresponding Plurality of the `Unit` body. CouncilToPlurality, // And a usual Signed origin to be used in XCM as a corresponding AccountId32 SignedToAccountId32<RuntimeOrigin, AccountId, RococoNetwork>, ); }


  • LocalOrigin allows to go from a frame dispatch origin to a multilocation. This is necessary because we enter the xcm-executor with xcm origins, not with frame dispatch origins. Note that this is an extrinsic in a frame pallet, and thus, we call it with frame origins.

  • Council decisions are converted to Plurality junction multilocations.

  • Signed origins are converted to AccountId32 junction multilocations.